单词 wisteria 例句大全,用单词wisteria造句:

But the fiercest loyalty on Wisteria Lane is the one between friends.
但紫藤郡最忠诚不二的表现 发生在朋友之间。
For the residents of Wisteria Lane, the holiday season could only begin.
在紫藤郡人们的眼中 节日的氛围必须伴随着。
Wisteria is blossoming softly, it hits my heart, isn't my heart still hot?
紫藤花悄悄开放, 撞击着我的心房, 难不成内心还在滚烫?
Yes, the residents of Wisteria Lane are skilled at the art of concealment.
没错,紫藤郡的居民们 擅做表面文章。
And, Mrs. McCluskey, you are a resident of Wisteria Lane, is that correct?
麦克卢斯基太太,你是紫藤郡的居民 对吗?
Yellow and white drops of sun splashed through the wisteria canopy above us.
Wisteria plants can reach a considerable age, developing thick, gnarled stems.
After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.
After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.
葬礼结束后,紫藤郡的邻居们 都去我家表达他们的哀思。
News that an intruder had breached the security of Wisteria Lane spread like wildfire.
The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered, first by my suicide.
紫藤郡平静的表面已经被打破 首先是我自杀。
Good to know since I just rented the most charming bungalow right here on Wisteria Lane.
再好不过了 我刚刚租下了一栋雅致的平房 就在紫藤郡。
The words echoed down Wisteria Lane until every last resident was aware of her disappearance.
流言在紫藤郡传开 直至人人皆知。
The ghosts of people who had been a part of Wisteria Lane were gazing upon her as she passed.
那些曾与紫藤郡有过交集的魂灵 在她离去时,都注视着她。
I sat on a blue couch, his head is Wisteria frame, it will have to wait until summer to open it.
我坐在蓝色长椅上, 头上是紫藤花架, 那要等到夏天才会开呢。
Under normal circumstances, plants should be promptly cut Canhua Wisteria to avoid nutrient depletion.
Wisteria, peony and petal stripe are traditionally blockprinted and each available in 18 colour combinations.

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