单词 york 例句大全,用单词york造句:

You can get from London to New York in no time by one of these jet aircrafts.
In New York City Mr Tung met the business, financial and academic communities.
New York lawyer and author Roger Kirby is another advocate of the long sleeve.
The sun news agency of New York, received underneath like this a letter recently.
Aside from New York,the swine flu has already affected 16 people in the southwest.
Though it is Saturday afternoon, the streets of New York City are silent as the grave.
United Nations Headquarters in New York reflects in its accounts the remaining10 funds.
Ms. Davis is also the Adjunct Professor of Government at New York University Law School.
She rode with him in Harry to the Des Moines airport, where he shipped film to New York.
But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace.
Previous to going to Juilliard Acting Academy in New York, Robin studied political science.
在罗宾去纽约朱莉亚戏剧学院以前, 他学习政治学。
This agreement shall is construe in accordance with the laws of the state of new york, usa.
New York has the advantage of greater liquidity, making it more attractive for shareholders.
The regal label, an Academy Award and red carpet standby, is headquartered in New York, sure.
We'd like to designate new york as the loading port, for it have larger accommodation capacity.
我们想指定纽约港作为装船港, 因为它得吞吐量大。
Pipher, Mary. Reviving Ophelia Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. New York Ballantine, 1995.
皮拂, 玛利。利莱凌。奥拂利亚青春期少女的自救。纽约鲍兰丁, 1995
This project participated in the exhibition of New York Architectural Week sponsored by AIA in 2005.
项目参展2005年美国建筑师协会 纽约建筑周。
Of the13 colonies,9 voted in favor of the Declaration,2 voted No, Delaware undecided and New York abstained.
The estimated costs for rental and renovation included provision for that additional requirement in New York.
We wish to cover the consignment against all risk from our Warehouse at the above address to the port of New York.
New York City dwellers drive four hours to hand-deliver pigeons crippled by a careless driver or a cruelly aimed stone.
The company has actively been recruiting fashion editors in New York and Europe who can also speak and write in Mandarin.
He is accused of trying to rape a maid this month in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York. He will stay with his wife.
But three employees who have taken classes agreed to speak to The New York Times on the condition that they not be identified.
New York's Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade, learning that Ron Thurston was a fellow cabby, had already paid for Julian's sister Claire and Ron to fly to New York.

单词 york 释义

  • 单词释义: 约克角[澳大利亚东北部](在约克角半岛),<板球>使击球员出局  [更多..]



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