单词 turnover 例句大全,用单词turnover造句:

Since the agency agreement was signed, your turnover has amounted to 500 dollars.
Estimation of Biomass and Annual Turnover Quantities of Potentilla Froticosa Shrub
Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.
If we are granted the sole agency, we can assure you that we'll double the turnover.
假如我们得到独家代理权, 我们保证销售量可翻一番。
We were told that in one area there was a high degree of labour turnover among women.
Unstable employment and high turnover do not allow for the accumulation of experience.
What does happen if rate ot turnover of current assets slows to half its former rate ?
如果流动资产周转率降至原先的一半, 会发生什么状况?
Objective To assess changes in bone mineral density and bone turnover in hyperthyroidism.
目得观察甲亢患者骨密度 和骨代谢得变化。
Discussion on the Small Profits with Quick Turnover and Large Profits with Quick Turnover
Let s use an example the average annual inventory turnover in 20 large construction firms.
I believe they've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press.
When we shift to avowed novels, the turnover of the generations is an astonishing feature.
Accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover are two financial ratios we often use.
Total Turnover Volume of Passengers and Turnover Volume of Freight Traffic in Partial Years
The expenditures on the liquidation and attestation of business income tax and turnover tax.
With an insufficent turnover fund, the real-estate company was forced to declare bankruptcy.
Turnover tax not only offsets income tax adjustment, but also further expands the income gap.
流转税抵消了所得税的调节效果, 也进一步扩大了收入差距。
In this thesis, turnover rate and abnormal returns are selected from the same accounting year.
Adipose tissue is in a state of continuous turnover and is sensitive to nerves and hormonal stimuli.
脂肪组织在不断地更新, 对于神经和激素的刺激很敏感。
According to your estimate, what's the maximum annual turnover you can fulfil round figures of course
据您估计, 你能完成的最大年销售量是? ? ? ? 是个大概数。
Because of this, autocratic leadership usually leads to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover.
The American firm accounts for some 60 per cent of the world's annual sales of computers and has a turnover around $30000 million.
The donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.
According to the usual practice, you are requested to submit to us your annual sales program, i. e. an estimated amount of turnover.
按照惯例, 要求你方提交一份年度销售计画, 即估计营业额。
In 1998, consolidated turnover was over US$6.6 billion (RMB 52 billion), and after-tax earnings were approximately US $ 1.1 billion (RMB 8.9 billion).

单词 turnover 释义

  • 单词释义:营业额,成交量;人事变更率;周转率;半圆馅饼  [更多..]



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