单词 turk 例句大全,用单词turk造句:

That , that of back they backgammon.For him smoking is part of the way of life of a Turk.
在他看来, 抽烟是一个土耳其人生活不可获取的一部分。
A Turk currently serves as secretarygeneral of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
Nang originated from ancient Persia, popular in the Arabian Peninsular, Turk, and Central Asia.
馕最初源于古波斯, 流行在阿拉伯半岛, 土耳其, 中亚细亚各国。
There were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea.

单词 turk 释义

  • 单词释义:土耳其人,突厥人;土耳其马;强暴的人,残忍的人;顽童  [更多..]



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