单词 according to 例句大全,用单词according to造句:

On the Combination of the Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to Factors of Production
I tried to find their house according to the address, but I only found that they had already moved somewhere else.
do not constitute a crime, according to Public Security Administration Law to be subject to administrative penalties.
Mechanism of using microwave to accelerate chemical reaction is discussed according to the theory of thermal mechanics.
In short, distribution should be made only according to a person's work, not according to his politics or his seniority.
Therefore, friends and family members are advised to encourage patients to take medicine according to the doctor's advice.
The principle of distribution in socialist society is from each according to his ability and to each according to his work.
The color may request according to the customer to make the putty ashen, the black , to imitate the copper color or colored.
颜色可根据客户要求做成泥土色, 黑色, 仿铜色或彩色。
Analysis of Logical Link in the Theory of Distribution According to work and That According to Essential Factors of Production
According to Coffey, people should strive throughout life to keep their brains alert by exposing themselves to new experiences.
His fate will be decided according to law and according to the evidence, with the burden of proof resting upon the prosecution.
According to the usual practice, you are requested to submit to us your annual sales program, i. e. an estimated amount of turnover.
按照惯例, 要求你方提交一份年度销售计画, 即估计营业额。
According to Italian law, any ancient artefact found in a dig belongs to the state and cannot be sold or removed to another country.
最近, 意大利开始严厉打击艺术品非法买卖活动。
The Reforming Focus of Title of a Technical or Professional Post Is Setting up Post According to Need and Engaging According to Post
According to modern food science, edible fungus is rich in various nutrients and it is easy for them to be absorbed by the human body.
We think it will be benefit to teach students in accordance with their aptitude to assign the class according to the students aptitude.
我们认为按水平分班, 更便于教师因材施教。
According to historical records, the Empress Dowager Cixi of the palace wearing clothes is to use technology to be decorative applique.
According to the experiment, when the temperature gets close to absolute zero, the resistance of the electric conductor approaches zero.
The general responsibilities include operating according to the law, paying taxes according to regulations and obeying the macrocontrol.
一般性的责任指依法经营, 按章纳税和配合宏观调控
Analysis with the Relation between the Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to the Essential Factors of Production
An Analysis of the Problems and Their Solutions of Combining Distribution according to Work with Distribution according to Productive Elements
According to regulations, scientific and technological books need the type plate to be turned into paper mould after composition and proofreading.
Many people believed according to the video recording that Lin Songling according to was not several times bountiful, causes the conflict escalate.
许多人据录像认为, 林松岭数次不依不饶, 导致冲突逐步升级。
We should abandon indiscriminate egalitarianism and implement a system of distribution according to one's work, by which people will be enthusiastic to work.
The price department of the Central Government shall fix the prices according to the grades of standards and implement the principle of price according to quality.
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单词 according to 释义

  • 单词释义:根据,按照;据…所说;如;比照  [更多..]



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