Please confirm your redemption item and make sure that you have sufficient accrued sectors.
The deposit amount is set by the depositor and the accrued interests are paid by installment.
This will result in an increase in reported expenditure due to creation of accrued liabilities.
Accrued interest will be paid or credited into the account only when instructions are received.
The separation benefits included accrued leave, termination indemnities and retirement benefits.
Complete this section only if Employer intends to transfer accrued benefits from another scheme.
如雇主选择由其他计划转入累算权益, 请填妥此部份。
The proportionate benefit is that part of the accrued benefits which is exempt from Salaries Tax.
这免税的部份, 称为合乎比例的利益。
Accrual rate The rate at which interest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which benefits accrue.
Accrued liabilities arise from the recognition of expenses for which payment will be made in a future period.
Please contact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or other accrued benefits to which you may be entitled.
Accrued liabilities represent benefits that have accrued from the staff members'dates of entry on duty till the valuation date.
You will be paid for any unused accrued leave up to the date of termination, provided that the period of employment is over three months.
It is required that interest be accrued on a daily basis and billed on the cycle day. Intended interest calculation methods are as follows
In the past two thousand years, a profound cultural inheritance has been accrued around the literal quotation of Zhaojun going out of the frontier pass.
两千多年来, 围绕昭君出塞这个典故形成了丰厚的文化积淀。