单词 advance fee 例句大全,用单词advance fee造句:

The property owners pay an advance fee to the cycle.
其中, 业主缴纳物业费的周期可以事先约定。
A week Before publication, pays the advertising fee in advance, please.
I can pay affairs fee because I know application of me can pass in advance.
Successful applicants are required to pay the course fee in full in advance.
Consequently, the reported incidence of advance fee fraud has declined significantly.
因此, 报告发病率预付款欺诈已大幅下降。
Pay an arbitration fee in advance to the Arbitration Commission according Fee Schedule of Commission.
We are having our annual Christmas party next Saturday. Food and beverages will be provided and there will also be an open bar. The entrance fee is only $30 at the door and $25 if you buy tickets in advance.
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单词 advance fee 释义

  • 单词释义:公司支付给答应代筹款项的金融家的费用  [更多..]



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