单词 agreed amount 例句大全,用单词agreed amount造句:

We gave them two tons over and above the amount agreed to.
So after a certain amount of negotiation, they agreed to it.
来回协商了几次之后 他们同意发表了
When you have bought something, always pay to the agreed amount and time schedule.
The amount of the lease security deposit is agreed on by both parties of the lease.
Xerox agreed to pledge a substantial amount of assets to secure the remaining debt.
Upon such a sale the consignee is obliged to remit to the consignor an agreed amount.
在进行这类出售时, 代售人有义务把商定的款项汇给寄售人。
Article 220 The insured amount shall be agreed upon between the insurer and the insured.
Numbers and amount of shares and debentures agreed to be issued as fully or partly paid up otherwise than in cash.
The Creditor agreed to give the Debtor a loan in the amount of Four Hundred and SeventyEight Thousand Dollars Only.
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单词 agreed amount 释义



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