单词 Andrew Bynum 例句大全,用单词Andrew Bynum造句:

However, they did have Andrew Bynum.
但是, 他们当时有拜纳姆。
Has Andrew Bynum been naughty or nice
For Andrew Bynum, it was time to smile.
对安德鲁 拜纳姆来说, 笑的时候到了。
Andrew Bynum will be back this season. He guarantees it.
安猪这个赛季要回来, 他确定。
Most notable is the emergence of young center Andrew Bynum.
Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum had 10 rebounds apiece for Los Angeles.
Andrew Bynum 23 point 8 backboard, law Mar 14 points, Drake 11 points.
安德鲁拜纳姆23分8个篮板, 法马尔14分, 德雷克11分。
Andrew Bynum can bang Yao Ming without getting into deep foul trouble.
安德鲁 拜纳姆可以对抗姚明,而不至于深陷犯规麻烦。
Andrew Bynum playing seven clumsy minutes marred by five silly fouls ?
As opposed to Andrew Bynum, Derek Fisher, Lamar Odom and Luke Walton ?
Andrew Bynum was bed as the player most likely to have a breakout season.
The Lakers were playing their first game without injured center Andrew Bynum.
Mihm has served as Andrew Bynum's backup, and the results have been mixed at best.
The Lakers started off well with young Andrew Bynum at center but then he got hurt.
It's not as if the Lakers needed the reminder, but Andrew Bynum supplied one anyway.
这不象是湖人需要暗示, 但是拜纳姆怎么说也是帮助很大。
Besides his defensive game, Andrew Bynum has an enormous potential on the offensive end.
Upon arriving there, I saw some of the rookies and Andrew Bynum on the exercise equipment.
Andrew Bynum scored eight points and grabbed two rebounds before fouling out in the fourth quarter.
Andrew Bynum and Kobe Bryant each had four turnovers. Vladimir Radmanovic and Farmar each had three.
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单词 Andrew Bynum 释义

  • 单词释义:安德鲁·拜纳姆  [更多..]



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