单词 answer for 例句大全,用单词answer for造句:

The bus driver should answer for the safety of the passengers.
If you go on doing this, we won't answer for the consequences.
如果你们继续这样干, 后果我们将不负责。
On this issue, the author not an accurate answer for everybody.
You See, War Is Not The Answer, For Only Love Can Conquer Hate.
父亲, 父亲, 我们不需要再让战争。
Answer for production technics flow, work instruct, design Testjig.
负责生产工艺流程, 工作指导, 测架设计。
The answer for many undergraduates, we have concluded, is not much.
I answer for with him and stamp the compeny cachet on his testimonial.
I enclosed a cheque for, 8 with apology for the delay answer your letter.
I enclosed a cheque for, 10 with apology for the delay answer your letter.
I enclose a cheque for 10 with apology for the delay in answer your letter.
Our tenet quality first, price good, cooperate faithfully, answer for ever.
Answer There is no room for the kind of career and advancement I wound like.
Answer For a core project, a customized artifact would be the system itself.
A friend of mine was arrested and put into prison, but I dared answer for him.
我一位朋友被捕入狱了, 但我敢为他担保。
When she was asked why she was absent for the party, no answer was forthcoming.
I cannot answer for the rest of the team, they will have to answer for themselves.
Answer There is no room for the kind of career growth and advancement I would like.
For example, are points taken off for the wrong answer and for answers left blank ?
例如, 对于错误的答案和回答留下空格是否扣分?
a collateral agreement to answer for the debt of another in case that person defaults.
And I found my personal answer for this in those ancient comics that I was showing you.
我在之前的古代漫画中 找到了我个人的答案。
Father, We Dont Need To Escalate, You See, War Is Not The Answer, For Only Love Can Conquer Hate.
These are questions which it is difficult to answer. For the facts seem to contradict themselves.
这些都是很难回答的问题, 因为事实似乎互相矛盾。
Question papers, answer sheets and answer books for the examinations would be prepared by the school.
But I just give whichever answer they want to hear, basically, and work out the real answer later for the report.
Must not somebody gives an irrelevant answer for integral, the introduction the view that answer dragon sent flicker.
不许有人为了积分答非所问, 把回龙观的介绍发过来了忽悠。
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单词 answer for 释义

  • 单词释义:符合(…需要);对…负责;充当…;许诺  [更多..]



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