单词 antibacterial drugs 例句大全,用单词antibacterial drugs造句:

Domagk's work led to the development of the antibacterial sulfa drugs.
General use of antibacterial drugs often balanced, the rule of this kind of governance can not.
一般用的抗菌消炎药常顾此失彼, 治了这种菌治不了那种菌。
Objective To review the recent developments in the research of oxazolidinone antibacterial drugs.
Results Erythromycin and its derivatives had been widely used as antibacterial drugs for decades.
结果长期以来, 红霉素及其衍生物作为抗菌药物被广泛使用。
Effects of brackish water and seawater on in vitro efficacy of antibacterial drugs used in aquaculture.
Effect of Intervention Measure on Rational Administration of Antibacterial Drugs in Perioperative Period
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