单词 Augmented reality 例句大全,用单词Augmented reality造句:

Now how do we get to augmented reality?
How do we get to augmented reality, A. R.
It's a demonstration of augmented reality.
probably a creepy example of augmented reality.
Augmented reality is just the latest technology.
放大的现实 是最新的科技。
Ladies and gentlemen, augmented reality is coming.
女生们,先生们 扩增实境的时代就要来临
The Augmented Reality Based on Environment Mapping
But augmented reality is not just an enhanced playbook.
但扩增实境不仅仅 能帮你在战术上有所提高
Review of augmented virtuality technology in virtual reality
Because I believe that we can use augmented reality for something more.
我认为我们可以利用扩增实境 实现更多
Key Techniques and Research of Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality.
Test drive the sportiest Skoda model. At home, in an augmented reality game.
What do augmented reality and professional football have to do with empathy?
扩增实境 职业橄榄球 这二者和同理心有何关系?
Grasping Recognition Based on Visual Awareness in an Augmented Reality System.
A new approach for resolving occlusion problem in augmented reality is presented.
Now this is being augmented with further layers of technology like augmented reality.
现在这种技术被多重技术所增强 就像增强现实一样。
Normally, you wouldn't be able to see him, but the augmented reality system lets you know.
通常情况下你是看不到线卫 但是扩增实境系统告诉了你
because augmented reality will change our lives just as much as the Internet and the cell phone.
扩增实境将改变我们的生活 如同互联网和手机那样
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单词 Augmented reality 释义



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