单词 awake with 例句大全,用单词awake with造句:

When I awake, I am still with you.
It is with me all the time, Whether I'm awake or asleep.
它会一直跟着我 不管是我醒着 睡着。
I came awake with a start, unsure of where I was or even who.
The children were hardly awake and watched Tess with big round eyes.
孩子们还没有完全清醒过来, 只是瞪圆了眼睛看着苔丝。
With the wind moaning and the rain pattering, I lay awake all night.
An aftershock jolted me awake with the thud of collapsing buildings.
我在一阵余震的晃动下醒来, 周围响起建筑物坍塌的声音。
Even though I was wide awake, I didn't recognize you with that haircut.
But with the night, the bat would be awake, dipping and diving for food.
但蝙蝠却睡醒了, 俯冲下来找食物。
I awake this morning to find the summit of the mountain covered with snow.
I lay awake nights, scared she'll make Rudolph discontented with the farm.
Viewed in connection with his mistakes, shouldn't this make one wide awake
She too was not awake, and presumably unaware of others' presence with her.
Do you keep your bed partner awake with the jerking movements of your legs?
I'll wake up with my heart beating very hard and fast, and I'll be WIDE AWAKE.
When we are awake, our sensations are constantly interfering with our thoughts.
And with lucid dreaming it feels just as real as if I were doing it while awake.
My neighbour often beats at something with a hammer and the noise keeps me awake.
Scare compelled me to stay awake. Night was so long with the suns laggardly pace.
Several hours later she heard her husband awake with his normal loud ass trumpeting.
几个小时以后, 他听到她丈夫醒过来了, 象往常一样, 屁声大作。
Conscious mind is our awake mind, which is directly linked with our all sensory organs.
Johnny lay for a long time awake with his head in his mothers lap, looking up at the stars.
他把头枕靠在母亲腿上, 仰望星空, 一直没有睡着。
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.
我若数点, 比海沙更多。我睡醒的时候, 仍和你同在。
Sufentanil in preventing restlessness in the awake period of patients with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
Objective To discuss nursing and reason for awake delirium after artificial abortion with general anesthesia.
Under its benign influences, these great.interests immediately awake, as from the dead, and sprang forth with newness of life
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