单词 back room 例句大全,用单词back room造句:

Coolidge added up the room rate and two rail tickets back to the campus.
Back in the hotel room, Jon made sure she was settled before he set off.
I quietly close the door, rinse out my mouth, and creep back to my room.
And then it turns out the back room grew to encompass the entire project.
My mind flashed back to the rows of anxious parents in the emergency room.
Well, if you denounce, you're probably never going to get back in the room.
I tried to avoid the back room where the undesirable elements were gathered.
She paced back and forth in the room where her child resided with other kids.
Tonight, when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed
When we hurried back to the self-study room, the door had already been locked.
When you sit back against the lumbar support is there ample space for hip room
当你坐下来对腰的支持是有足够的空间, 为髋部室吗?
Running back to her room, she set the book down and ran downstairs for dinner.
她跑回屋, 把书放下, 飞快地跑下楼。
So he went back to the emergency room, and the neurologist ordered more tests.
The vicar left his position near the soldier, and disappeared into a back room.
牧师从位于士兵身旁的他的位置上离开, 走进了后房。
He went back to consultation room and determined todo his best to save her life.
Sign recognition at the Opening Ceremony Back Board, Banquet halls, Meeting room.
At this point, her face suddenly flamed scarlet, and she flew back into the room.
Li went back to his room to get a capsule and asked for a glass of drinking water.
One of the curtains was tied back to reveal a secret door into another small room.
The angel went into the other room, brought back the silver hands and showedto him.
I am back from the observation room when the beds, you can own the rest went to bed.
The session consists of therapist and client emailing back and forth in a chat room.
在聊天室, 专家和病人通过电子邮件夹来回谈论。
Back at my accommodations I get the fillet to room temperature and turn on the oven.
回到住所, 我把它拿出来恢复常温, 打开烤箱烤。
You're alone in the room, we came back, and suddenly there's a gun under the cushion?
你自己呆在这里,我们一回来 垫子底下就突然多了把枪?
As the three proprietors came back into the room, they all burst out laughing at once.
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