单词 back room 例句大全,用单词back room造句:

Pork, you must carry her upstairs very carefully and put her in the back company room.
You could say that she shot herself in the living room and then crawled out back to die.
你可以说她在客厅自杀 接着爬到后院才去世的。
You could say that she shot herself in the living room, and then crawled out back to die.
The nurse came back into the room and started shooing them out in a very matteroffact way.
Silas lay prone on the canvas mat in his room, allowing the lash wounds on his back to clot in their.
The vet rushes him back to an examination room and has him put his dog down on the examination table.
医生赶紧把他带到检查室, 让他把狗放到检查床上。
The widow, laughing scornfully, in triumph, flung forth a few curses, then pulled Ah Fu back into her room.
Miss Martha Meacham went into the back room, took off the blue-dotted silk waist, and put on the old brown serge one;
Please turn your attention to the back of the room, there you will find an information booth and customer representative.
The centre of attention lies on the glass panel decorated with gold foil in the centre of the living room, which features English stone patterned wallpaper at the back.
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