单词 lecture for 例句大全,用单词lecture for造句:

The Design for the Concluding Lecture on Random Matters and their Probabilities
The boy began to quake with dread this was no ordinary lecture for being bad!
This section provides the lecture slides, and corresponding notes, for the course.
This section includes extremely refined notes for every lecture given in the course.
The date for the delivering of the lecture has been advanced to the end of the month.
During Prof.Stevenson's absence on a lecture tour, Assistant Prof.Jones acted for him.
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
As for the other halfphysical geography I can devour those lecture notes and texts to gain knowledge.
另一半自然地理, 我可以猛攻那些讲义和书籍。
Many enthusiastic people offered to help in applying for a new permit for another lecture in another place.
These abstracts serve as the lecture notes for the course, appended with a final commentary by the instructor.
这些摘要是课程的课堂笔记, 附有讲师的最后评论。
This lecture series is sponsored by the School of Engineering, Center for Innovation and Engineering Education.
The venue for the lecture, Konserthus, was a concert hall. More than a thousand seats were filled during the lecture.
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单词 lecture for 释义

  • 单词释义:因…教训(某人)  [更多..]



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