单词 LEADS 例句大全,用单词LEADS造句:

The accumulation of excessive amounts of liquid manure frequently leads to necrotic posthitis.
The core that how develops enterprise party leads action, seek site of accurate exert oneself.
如何发挥企业党的核心领导作用, 找准着力点。
Always wear high heel shoe, consequently leads to plantar fascia always under abnormal tensions.
It leads to a presentation like that of acute appendicitis, but an adnexal mass may be palpable.
通常与急性阑尾炎表现相似, 但有明显的附件团块。
According to Eckhardt, this is the kind of personal memory mistake that always leads to disaster.
埃克哈特认为这是记忆错误, 会导致灾难。
The effect of adding retral leads towards the positive rate of the Electrocardiogram Tremill Test
The administration of radiocontrast media often leads to a reversible form of acute renal failure.
Scientists and companies must constantly adapt and improve the process that leads to new products.
Doing evil leads to karmic retribution. Karmic retribution pays your debt and leads to liberation.
Research on system evaluation also leads the direction of IR development and becomes more accurate.
Bn entry level position in an accounting environment,which ultimately leads to financial management.
They introduce alcohol outside of ritual which exacerbates existing rivalries and leads to violence.
Abnormal formation pressure leads to circulation loss, blowout, recovery efficiency cutting back etc.
Bn entry level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management.
管帐部门的初级职务, 最后能够管理财务。
Because of this, autocratic leadership usually leads to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover.
It leads to all sorts of environmental problems and problems that affect people throughout the nation.
这造成了各种环境问题 以及一些影响海地人民的其他问题
Somatic genetic mutation leads to a block in the production of functional protein from the mutant allele.
This leads to an increase in the absorption, which may lead to system impairments or even system failures.
An airconditioned walkway leads from the Arrivals Hall to the Regal Airport Hotel and multistorey car park.
In addition to an absence of fingerprints, the condition also leads to a reduction in the number of sweat glands.
It would accelerate characterized reaction, which leads to the acceleration of general oxidation of calcium sulfite.
If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia, then the ulcer is said to perforate and leads to an acute abdomen.
With prolonged heating time the accumulation of deterioration products leads to organoleptic failures and a decrease of the nutritive value.
Berbatov is asked whether he feels that his lowkey style the usual adjective is languid leads people to mistake it for lethargy or even laziness.
Analysis of related parameters of implanted ventricular leads during the process of pulse generator replacement and implication for leads replacement

单词 LEADS 释义

  • 单词释义:law enforcement automated data system 法律执行自动化数据处理系统;[计]= Law Enforcement Automated Data System,法律实施自动化数据处理系统  [更多..]



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