单词 legislative will 例句大全,用单词legislative will造句:

Will you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004?
Hong Kong will hold the first Legislative Council election this May.
DPP members will vote on presidential and legislative candidates on May 4.
DPP members will vote on presidential and legislative candidates on May 6.
Some more will be introduced into and considered by the Legislative Council.
In May next year, elections for first full Legislative Council will be held.
On May 24,the elections for the first full Legislative Council will be held.
In May next year, the elections for the first full Legislative Council will be held.
明年五月, 我们会进行首届全体立法会选举。
If we lose the election the whole legislative merry-go-round will have to start over.
It is anticipated that this bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council in early 2002.
The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council did not indicate when the draft will be formalized.
It is expected that these draft laws will be submitted to the National Transitional Legislative Assembly for enactment.
To achieve the ultimate goal of universal suffrage, the first step will be for the Legislative Council to pass our proposals.
我们要迈向普选, 立法会通过政改方案是第一步。
We will continue to ensure that the executive,legislative and judicial branches of the Government will operate independently.
It will have its own administrative and legislative powers, an independent judiciary and the right of adjudication on the island.
它拥有在台湾的行政管理权, 立法权, 独立的司法权和终审权
If the relevant legislation is enacted by the Legislative Council, it will take effect retrospectively from the year of assessment 2005 06.
如获通过,将会追溯至2005 06课税年度生效。
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