单词 Lenders 例句大全,用单词Lenders造句:

Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.
Lenders will also expect you to make a financial commitment to the business.
The Federal Reserve says it's also ready to provide support for the lenders.
Analysts are bracing for hundreds of lenders to collapse in the next few years.
分析师们预计, 未来几年美国还会有数百家贷款机构倒闭。
Lenders will get back to you with the loan deals they find appropriate for you.
贷方将回到你的贷款协议, 他们找到适合您。
Thereinto, central government should he the main body to encourage the lenders.
They are also trying to persuade lenders to extend maturities on existing loans.
At least for a time after a debt restructuring it would struggle to find lenders.
至少在债务重组后的一段时间内, 它将很难找到贷款人。
Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.
The government official helped oversee lenders in the federal student loan program.
Lenders want bigger down payments to protect against the falling value of collateral.
Security of tenure, for both owners and lenders, has been deeply affected by the crisis.
对于房主和出借人而言, 保有权安全都受到危机的深刻影响。
The lenders will evaluate and check facts by calling you at the number you have supplied.
放款评价和核对事实, 呼唤着你, 在你有多少供应。
Did it cause moral hazard as reckless lenders and investors were effectively bailed out ?
对轻率的放款机构与投资人纾困, 会不会引发道德风险?
Lenders worried about the risk of not getting repaid usually demand higher interest rates.
Collect income and redemption proceeds from borrowers and reimburse the proceeds to lenders
向借方收取费用和赎回款项, 以及向贷方付款
Moreover, the Bush administration has opposed forcing lenders to write down their mortgages.
It is alleged that they were hounded to their deaths by lenders coercive recovery practices.
Also, greater accountability of lenders and borrowers was required to avert new debt crises.
Lenders who do not cater to people with bad credit can be identified easily through the net.
For both borrowers and lenders, this program is an asset that pays for itself, over and over!
双方借方和贷方, 这一计划是一项资产所支付的本身, 超过了!
The court has yet to decide whether the identities of the dissident lenders must be revealed.
The higher the risk of lending money, the higher is the interest rate demanded by the lenders.
The cast of lenders has broadened far beyond pawnshops and rich businessmen with cash to spare.
放款人的身份不断拓宽, 远远超出了当铺和有闲钱的富商。
They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world's poorest nations.

单词 Lenders 释义

  • 单词释义:出借人,贷方( lender的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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