单词 Mammary gland 例句大全,用单词Mammary gland造句:

The rest of the mammary gland beginning in general, embryonic ninth week after gradually faded.
if fibroma is very small , do not oppress mammary gland is in charge of , won t affect lactation.
Study on Nutrient Uptake and Utilization in the Mammary Gland of Guanzhong Dairy Goats Fed Basal Diet
Conclusion mammary gland disease is a common women of childbearing age, a high incidence, harmfulness.
And hyperplasia of occurrence mammary gland and endocrinopathy are concerned, also concern with psychosis.
Does mammary gland fibroma suffer from to be opposite when be pregnant is lactation influential in the future?
Mammary gland sends lymphatic caruncle formerly, often can accompany have show of systemic lymph node enlargement.
All specimen had been checked by pathology, and to observation the mammary gland tissue whether had abnormalities.
It is connective tissue is mixed between mammary gland adipose, lie between every mammary gland a lot of little rooms.
乳腺之间是结缔组织和脂肪, 将每个乳腺隔成许多小房。
The Study of the Clinical Effect of Treating Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland by Electromagnetotherapy with Electroacupuncture
Nursing Care of Patients with Mammary Gland Hyperplasia Treated by Lotion External Application Combined with Spectral Treating Devide
Animal Mastitis Artificially Induced with Endotoxin and Study on the Protective Effect of Astragalus Polysaccharide Etc. on the Mammary Gland
Do capsule of tuckahoe of cassia twig of hyperplasia of remedial mammary gland and lacteal nucleus come loose knot piece can be you taken together?
The distribution of fimA genotype in periodontitis patients was detected by PCR. Distributive Pattern of Mast Cells in Mammary Gland of Nonpregnant Dairy Cow
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单词 Mammary gland 释义



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