单词 laboured breathing 例句大全,用单词laboured breathing造句:

Emily had asthma, and her breathing was harsh and laboured.
埃米莉患哮喘病, 呼吸粗重而困难。
He felt a lump in his throat, and his breathing grew somewhat laboured.
Its laboured breathing and glazing eye showed that it was not far from its end.
这只狗呼吸困难, 眼光呆滞, 说明它活不多久了。
Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehoms laboured breathing punctuating the silence.
最后, 一切静止, 只剩力宏吃力得呼吸, 打破寂静。
Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehom's laboured breathing punctuating the silence.
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