单词 lamp house 例句大全,用单词lamp house造句:

Let the lamp burn in the lonely house.
NO. 059 Lamp house safety thermostat activated.
To continue printing, close lamp house upper cover.
要继续印相, 关闭灯箱上盖。
Lamp during abundant duration house price further notice.
Discussion on management and development tendency of lamp house
Ventilation opening should be special enough in Enclosed lamp house.
封闭的灯箱安装, 应有足以散热的通风口。
The lamp of stage has not been lit and I cannot ask audients into my house.
Both unemployed, the Lamp couple had to pare down their house hold expenses.
由于俩人都失业了, 兰姆夫妇不得不减少家庭开支。
The college student. majoring in electrical engineering. is changing electric lamp in his house.
Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.
人点灯, 不放在斗底下, 是放在灯台上, 就照亮一家的人。
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