单词 land fall 例句大全,用单词land fall造句:

Land value will fall due to the new property tax.
If you fall off your snowboard, you land in frozen snow.
但如果你从滑雪板上掉下来, 你落在冰冻的雪上。
you know, you fall and you land on your feet, betty says.
你知道, 你跌倒后你的脚会落地, 贝蒂说。
Rain of the bosom flowers fall into the dry land of my admiring heart.
Once I fall into the land, the story goes into the circle of dreams and dreams.
当我坠入梦境, 故事便进入梦中梦的循环。
The rise and fall of Tongwan city with the environmental change of Mu Us Sandy Land
The landlord was generous in allowing land rent fall into arrears, due to the difficult times.
庄园主还算慷慨, 鉴于这个艰难时期, 允许佃户们拖欠租金。
In conclusion, land privatization was the fundamental reason of the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
因此, 土地私有化是亚述帝国灭亡的根本原因。
Warm wind is blowing across the land and greenery patches are everywhere in the country, bumper harvest is in sight in fall
It is important that the land be well drained when fall planting is practiced in order to prevent soil heaving during winter.
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