单词 intensity ratio 例句大全,用单词intensity ratio造句:

The Roughness Wavefront Strehl Intensity Ratio Criterion.
Study about splitting intensity ratio of a prism with variable beam splitting angle
As the increase of temperature and light intensity, fruit sugar acid ratio decreased.
Furthermore, light intensity decays accordingly to a given ratio of the distance from the lamp.
另外, 光线强度按比例随着与到灯之间的距离的拉大而减小。
The ratio of intensity of blue to yellow emission increases with the growth of negative bias voltage.
A method by cumulative intensity of ion current to analyse isotopic ratio is proposed in present paper.
The ratio of aircraft length to maximum cross sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom.
The luminous intensity of stress luminescence is in direct ratio with the applied stress in the elastic limit.
在弹性限度内, 应力发光的发光强度与所施应力成正比。
Intensity calibration of monochromators in vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region by atomic branching ratio method
The molecular extinction coefficient is equal to the ratio of the log of the intensity of the incident and emergent light.
In the application of polarized light beamsplitting prism, people constantly pose demands on light intensity beamsplitting ratio.
在偏光分束棱镜应用中, 常对其光强分束比提出要求。
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