单词 model base 例句大全,用单词model base造句:

The utility model is composed of an alcohol lamp body and a lead base seat in an inverted ball table shape.
Base on the mathematic model of automobile safe following distance, the hardware and software of the system are built.
The Improvement of Lines Offsets on Dual Slope Base Plane Jig and the Production of Installing Model Plate for common Angel
A Design the Model of Cooperation Profit Allocation Mechanism of Supply Chain base on Exchange Function of Quality and Quantity
A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an endsfixed beam is established.
The utility model still uses the base structure that a threshing wheel drum and a shed cover are installed on a threshing stirring barrel.
The utility model discloses a gas distributor in the chemical industry, including a cylindrical base, a piston, a bottom cover and a spring.
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单词 model base 释义



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