单词 mood disorder 例句大全,用单词mood disorder造句:

bipolar mood disorder.
Moderate mood disorder
Organic mood disorder of manic type
A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood.
Depression is a mood disorder classified by its own peculiar symptoms.
忧郁症是情绪上的失调, 可以根据其独有的症状加以辨别。
My mood is in confusion all thing are in disorder, and can't work well.
Female adults suffered higher rates of mood disorder and disorder than men.
Major depressive disorder is also known as a mood disorder , or affective disorder.
主要抑郁紊乱又称为心情紊乱, 情感失调。
a disorder in which the persons mood is subject to wild swings from mania to depression.
Research Advances of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Mood Disorder
The hot weather makes people irritable mood, thought disorder, losing her temper, things are forgotten.
炎热的天气会使人情绪烦躁, 思维紊乱, 爱发脾气, 容易忘事。
The SMI patients included 100 individuals with schizophrenia and 101 subjects with a major mood disorder.
重度精神病人中有100位有精神分裂症, 101位有重度心境障碍。
These irradiations may cause an agitating mood, the endocrine disorder, which makes human body system out of balance.
这些射线会使人的心情烦躁, 内分泌紊乱, 各种功能失调, 退。
Short term mood swings with a duration of less than two weeks are not considered characteristic elements of this disorder.
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