单词 negotiate with 例句大全,用单词negotiate with造句:

The boat men negotiate rapids in a boat with a marvelous dexterity.
With his counsel, we were able to negotiate very reasonable prices.
Contracts Negotiate the terms of a contract with a sales representative.
It is a widely held axiom that they should not negotiate with terrorists.
As to the attendance time, I have to negotiate it with my present superior.
I need to think fast. I crouch down to negotiate with Wes at his eye level.
We hope to negotiate a successful agreement with the board of the directors.
我们希望与董事会谈判顺利, 达成协议。
Transcript and Translation On principle, I cant negotiate with these people.
原则上, 我不会和你们这些人谈判
Boss for a long time to negotiate with each other, finally got the cash a check.
Clearly, the best option is to negotiate with your employer to stay on one shift.
The problem for Pakistan is that it must also negotiate this ambiguity with itself.
It is harder to negotiate safe passage with increasingly unpredictable armed groups.
He is authorized to discuss the terms of an order with you and negotiate a contract.
Last year I represented Freeman, Inc.to negotiate a sale with an Australian customer.
Good interpersonal and communication skills. Able to negotiate with business partners.
人际沟通能力强, 能进行商务谈判。
Negotiate and accomplish this matter with the department concerned as soon as possible.
They have just arrived to negotiate a formal agreement with us on the boundary question.
After one is found, a renter must negotiate with the landlordthe owner of the apartment.
一旦找到一栋公寓后, 承租者必须与房东议价。
Negotiate, without recourse, if the credit is available by negotiation with the confirming bank.
we faced problems with the enemy that had continued to say for decades 'we will never negotiate with terrorists'.
to negotiate sth with sb. Mexico had unequal bargaining power when it negotiated the Treaty with the United States.
But the company had also agreed to meet with a group of employee representatives to negotiate a bigger raise in pay.
Where required, negotiate with other department managers for the acquisition of required personnel from within the company.
若有需要, 与其他部门经理商量公司内部人员需求事宜。
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单词 negotiate with 释义

  • 单词释义:(就某事)与…进行交涉(以达成协议)  [更多..]



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