单词 negotiable instrument 例句大全,用单词negotiable instrument造句:

WwW. zIdiR. coM Negotiable instrument is one of the oldest credit tools in the world.
票据, 是世界上最古老的信用工具之一。
The term negotiable instrument as used in this Law means bill of exchange, promissory note and cheque.
The first area concerned situations in which a negotiable instrument was delivered in pledge to a lender.
The signature on a negotiable instrument means an autograph, a seal or an autograph accompanied by a seal.
票据上的签章, 为签名, 盖章或者签名加盖章。
The particulars specified on a negotiable instrument shall be in conformity with the provisions of this law.
Article7 The signature on a negotiable instrument means an autograph, a seal or an autograph accompanied by a seal.
第七条票据上的签章, 为签名, 章或者签名加盖章。
The date of issue and the date of maturity of a negotiable instrument shall be determined by the parties thereto according to law.
票据的出票日, 到期日由票据当事人依法确定。
On Negotiable Instrument Counterplea in the United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
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单词 negotiable instrument 释义

  • 单词释义:可转移票据,可流通票据;可过户证券  [更多..]



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