单词 night service 例句大全,用单词night service造句:

The bus service runs day and night.
There is no night time discount for prepaid service.
I would not take a cab at night if I needed to pay the service fee.
如果我必须付服务费, 我晚上就不会乘出租车。
Study on the medical service support of the armoured cavalry in night combat
Last night 2,000 people filled the town's main square for a simple memorial service.
This very night, while you are sleeping the monks will chant a service in her honour.
Praise God, this morning after the Sunday service she told me the demon did not appear again last night!
One night, weeks after Beaus memorial service, I woke from the deepest part of sleep with Oaxaca on my mind.
Executives at Norway's National Broadcasting Service are now considering broadcasting a night of knitting nationwide.
挪威国家电视台高层 正考虑下次要播放全国编织之夜。
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单词 night service 释义

  • 单词释义:夜间列车运行,夜间业务  [更多..]



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