单词 night time 例句大全,用单词night time造句:

At this time away from that bloody night of terror has been 187 years.
Now she is killing time with a colleague, waiting for the night train.
Time keeps passing just like a flowing river, not ceasing day or night.
He plodded away all night at the accounts but didnt finish them in time.
From time to time, during the night, there was a moan from the sick man.
The point here is to create more highlight for the images at night time.
He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn't finish them in time.
How about that time you spent the whole night at Michael's birthday party
你那次一晚上都呆在迈克尔的生日宴会上, 又怎么说呢
Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your boots on the floor.
每当你半夜回家, 都把鞋子扔到底板上。
At the same time can look at the Central Avenue the day and night scenery.
Government workers were made to punch time clocks morning, noon and night.
公务员早, 中, 晚都要打卡。
The time of night, alone in holding a good book the aid of dim light savor.
夜深人静之时, 独自捧一本好书, 借着昏暗的灯光细细品味。
And late at night, after therapy and TV time, you sit awake and think back.
在深夜, 治疗和休闲时间过后, 你还醒着坐着并回忆着过去。
He became a consummate painter of twilight, night time and autumnal scenes.
She had no time to allow herself even a proper meal or a good night's sleep.
她整天吃不上一餐安稳的饭, 睡不上一个安稳的觉。
Steamed milk with almond. Last time I had caffeine, I was up half the night.
He buried himself in his work from morning till night to redeem the lost time.
We asked for a breakdown of the accident figures into day time and night time.
Remember that time, I eat a bad stomach, a stomach ache the middle of the night.
Yan Street West powder 1 small tin cars,appeared on time every night,hit a skewer.
I drank too much coffee last night. As a result, I had a hard time falling asleep.
我昨晚咖啡喝多了, 结果老半天都没睡着。
Thus, although on busy busy night, she spent a lot of time nursing their own skin.
因此虽然日忙夜忙, 她仍花了许多时间护理自己的肌肤。
Later, when he woke up, it was night time and the train had reached Paris already.
Builders worked day and night in order that the hospital might be finished in time.
If you smoke, try to stop.Night time breathing problems are more likely in smokers.
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