单词 new to 例句大全,用单词new to造句:

Meadow planting. New island beds directly adjacent to the water, were designed into the new patio.
There are so many good new actors around that the older ones will soon have to look to their laurel
新演员人才辈出, 老演员不久就地位难保了
In seeking the new, Singapore endeavours to change, to develop, and to improve to achieve perfection.
Good English skills, strong ability to learn new things and I can quickly adapt to a new environment.
英语能力很强, 学习新事物能力很强, 能较快适应环境。
Since the experience that had first time to find new job, Xiao Hao finds new job it seems that addiction.
As you level you will gain access to new types of components and will be able to create more powerful songs
You are flogging a dead horse trying to persuade him to accept the new conceptshe is absolutely an old fossil.
Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring abundance pleacertain to you.
At the close of the year, may I ask you to join me in a toast to greater business achievements in the new year.
Review the past, look forward to the future and catch up with the current of time to strive for new achievements
It will move through the cycle, full moon and then crescent again, Calmly, beyond our wisdom, altering new to old.
Microsoft is actively trying to lure away Apples retail workers for its first chain stores, according to a new leak.
According to Coffey, people should strive throughout life to keep their brains alert by exposing themselves to new experiences.
According to a previous FunDay report, Acer and other vendors are starting to become restless over this new business opportunity.
据我们之前的报导, 宏碁等厂商已经对这块商机蠢蠢欲动了。
We seemed to have got off on the wrong foot when we started to market our new products, due to our ignorance of the actual market needs
Chen CaiXia intends to work as a freelance contractor whilst continuing to work on a new book in collaboration with academics in the UK.
The new engineer model does no longer attempt to add a river attack bonus to engineers, since such bonusses cannot be added to brigades.
We have to give the users something new in addition to what we already offer,which is the only way to broaden the appeal of the website.
According to DR. George Serban, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at New YorkUniversity, most men do it to prove their masculinity.
In order to accelerate close canopy of new plantation Phyllostachys nuda forest, fertilization experiment on new growing bamboo was carried.
New Curricula Standard for Senior School English requires high school students'reading ability to achieve levels from the sixth to the ninth.
To go forward with the times, to be open up and blazing new trails, to promote the development of vocational and adult education of the capital
Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
恭贺新禧, 祝身体健康, 事业发达。
KPN, one of the founding members, has abandoned its attempts to tie its future to traditional phone companies, instead partnering with Qwest, one of the most aggressive new US phone companies.
Forced to leave Germany when the Nazis came to power, Einstein accepted an appointment at the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., a scholarly retreat largely created around him.
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单词 new to 释义

  • 单词释义:对…(来说)不熟悉,对…(来说)陌生  [更多..]



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