单词 last name 例句大全,用单词last name造句:

And engraved in the depths of our souls of your name, will truly last forever!
Although Yue Fei was put to death by Qin Hui, his good name will last forever!
岳飞虽然被秦桧害死了, 但他的美名万古流芳!
At last, the definition of this crime and the name of it is given this chapter.
Each column would contain a certain type of information, as author's last name.
In western societies, a woman must adopt her husband's last name after marriage.
She was at last persuaded to name the day, so we are to be married on August14th.
Full Name must be in alphabet. Please provide spacing for first name and last name.
Arsenal stopped printing replica shirts with the forward's name on the back last week.
Please enter either a first name or middle name in addition to a last name to continue.
The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
At last he said that he would sign the charter at such time and place as the barons might name.
In England, the last name is the family name. The first and the middle name is tile given name.
Author Last name, First name. Year. Title. Type of Working Paper working series title and number.
In formal situations, such as placing orders or requesting service, give your first and last name.
在正式的场合, 例如下订单或要求服务, 要说出你的姓和名字。
System supplied field which records account name of the person who last modified the resource record.
由系统提供得字段, 记录最后修改资源记录得人得名字。
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单词 last name 释义

  • 单词释义:(欧美人放在名字后面的)姓  [更多..]



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