单词 irrigation water 例句大全,用单词irrigation water造句:

He cannot afford to invest in drip irrigation or sprinkler systems that would lose less water to evaporation.
Determination of water production function and irrigation quota of broad bean in ground irrigation condition.
Influence of Essential Factor of Furrow Irrigation with Films to Evaluation Index of Irrigation Water Quality
With the fields levelled and irrigation channels controlling the volume of water, no such problem arose again.
Carrying out on a large scale to develop and to spread water collecting and complementing irrigation technique
The influence of irrigation water drawn from the Yellow River on soil salinization and its preventive measures
Effects of water penetration in furrow irrigation on the dry matter accumulation and yield of directly sown rice
Toxic effluents, including pesticides and herbicides, seep into ground water or directly into irrigation canals.
有毒废水, 杀虫剂, 除草剂等渗入地下水或直接进入灌溉渠。
Cotton Water Requirement on Field with Trickle Irrigation under Plastic Film and on Field with Furrow Irrigation
The irrigation at the squaring stage to store more water was proposed, but plant overgrowth should be controlled.
Analysis of Cotton Canopy Structure with Treatments of Different Water and Fertilizers under Mulch Drip Irrigation
Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water.
Water and Nitrogen Dynamics in Soil and Crops Growth as Affected by Sprinkle Irrigation and Fertilization Management
On Determination of the Exploitation Intensity in the Well Irrigation of Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Water.
Investigation on the Development of Agricultural Water Resources and Water Saving Irrigation Status in Dongxin Village
The results can offer reference for large acreage irrigation with flood and nourishing water source by diverting flood.
Compared with dripping and seeping irrigation, evaporation loss of water from topsoil is the most in furrow irrigation.
Analysis of use efficiencies of irrigation water, nitrogen fertilizer and solar energy for bed planting system in wheat
Study on relationship between dry matter accumulation and water consumption in cotton under film mulch and drip irrigation
Water consumption pattern in early flowering and setting fruit for pepper and its factors under drip irrigation in Greenhouse
Relations between the Content of Sodium Chloride in Irrigation Water and the Dry Yellow Heart Disease Suffered by Chinese Cabbages
Plastic film mulch preserves soil moisture, increases soil temperature, and reduces the consumption of irrigation water and N losses.
地膜覆盖可增温保墒, 节约用水和减少氮肥损失。
The Experiment Report on Cotton Requiring Water Rules and the Maximums Water Consumption Periods and Capacity in Mulch Drip Irrigation
Water Saving and High Yielding Irrigation Model on Lowland Paddy Field Study on the Integration Technique of Precision Ground Irrigation
Experimental investigation on the effects of saline water drip irrigation on water use efficiency and quality of watermelons grown in saline soils
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单词 irrigation water 释义

  • 单词释义:灌溉水,灌溉用水  [更多..]



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