单词 Irritable bowel syndrome 例句大全,用单词Irritable bowel syndrome造句:

Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of liver discharging and yinenriching therapy for irritable bowel syndrome.
The Application of the Radiography of Intubation on the Small Intestine to the TCM Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Bloating or swelling of the lower abdomen may be present in many intestinal conditions including irritable bowel syndrome.
Expressions of several neurotransmitters on the posterior horn of spinal cord in the rat model of irritable bowel syndrome
Clinical Study on Methods of Clearing Heat and Dissipating Dampness for Treating Diarrheapredominate Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Purpose To observe the efficacy of Baduanjin Exercise on the constipationpredominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the elderly.
Objective To investigate the relationship between the irritable bowel syndrome and the plasma motilin and cholecystokinin levels.
This article introduces professor Sun Jianhua's clinical experience in the differentiation and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
The study of the relationship between the motility of sigmoid colon and gastrointestinal hormones in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
The Clinical Observation and Experimental Study of Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome with the Comfortable Liver and Invigorating Spleen Grain
Clinical observation on acupuncture combined with microorganism pharmaceutical preparations for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome of constipation type
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单词 Irritable bowel syndrome 释义

  • 单词释义:过敏性肠综合征;过敏性结肠综合征  [更多..]



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