单词 island flap 例句大全,用单词island flap造句:

Clinical applications of distal artery island fascial flap combined with intermediate split thickness skin graft
Repair of soft tissue defect on the hand using antebrachial posterior interosseous artery retrograde island flap
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of island skin flap plantaris medialis in repair of heel skin defect.
Objective To sum up the application of the retrograde sural nerve island flap pedicled with the concomitant vessels.
Objective To observe the treatment outcome of using dorsolateral island flap from the same digit for finger pulp loss.
Treatment outcome of a dorsal digital island flap with dorsal branch from the proper digital nerve for the pulp defects
Repair of skin and soft tissue defect around the malleolus by superior regressive island fasciocutaneous skin flap graft
Application of Modified Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Reversed Island Flap for Repairing Soft Tissue Defect of Digital Finger
Innervated reverse island flap based on the dorsal cutaneous branch at distal interphalangeal joint of the digital artery.
A reverse dorsal digital island fascial flap with the dorsal digital sensory nerves for repairing skin defect of the finger
Repair of pulp defect with reverse digital artery island flap including the palmar cutaneous branch of proper digital nerve
Forehead island flap transfer with superficial temporal vessels and fascia pedicle for the treatment of nasal partial defects.
Reconstruction of sensory function of thumb and forefinger pulp by the lateral island flap with neurovascular pedicle of finger
The application of forward and reversal flow axial island flap based on the superficial temporal artery in the orbital skin defects
The therapeutic effect of one stage therapy with vertical pedicle onlay island flap with covering of fasciaes on children hypospadias
Combined Transfer of the Neurocutaneous on Dorsal Part of the Hand and Digital Neurovascular Island Flap for the Degloved Injuries of the Index Finger
Objective To investigate the repairing method of soft tissue defect of heel, pedicled island myocutaneous flap of flexor digitorum brevis was designed.
Clinical application of the island cutaneous flap of the dorsal aspect of the index finger for repairing the cutaneous defect over distal segement of the thumb
The repair of superciliary arch soft tissue defect using retrograde grafting of island skin flap with forehead branch of arteria temporalis superficials in temples region
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