单词 issue with 例句大全,用单词issue with造句:

In addition, we are cooperating with donor countries to deal with the issue of mine stockpiles.
The issue of an acquittal decision renders the criminal judge unable to deal with the civil action.
Installs a certification authority to issue certificates for use with public key security programs.
With all the political theater and populist grandstanding, though, the bigger issue has been obscured.
政治威胁, 公众不满掩盖了背后更大的问题。
Who issue the inspection certificate in case the quality or quantity do not conform with the contract?
To assist customers with post sales technical issues and liaise with Call Centre to resolve the issue.
提供售后支持服务, 与呼叫中心保持联系。
Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
In accordance with such report, the Company shall issue an Investment Certificate to the relevant Party.
I think this issue is troublesome and the customer need to consult with their administration department.
This issue is intimately bound up with the question of international humanitarian law in armed conflicts.
Author reviewed and discussed the issue about blood transfusion in recipient with kidney transplantation.
The organizers and participants acknowledge that engagement with an oppressive government is a thorny issue.
We are making efforts continuously and hope to appropriately solve this issue together with the Philippines.
The utilization of transboundary aquifers was the core issue with regard to the scope of the draft articles.
In this paper, the issue on fast attitude maneuver control of a spacecraft with flexible appendix is studied.
Now, the challenge with you moving your issue forward is these animals are getting broadcast to all the time.
现在,是向前推动这个问题的时候了 这些动物整天被报道
Later in May, officials from all 16 German states met with Interior Minister Otto Schily to address the issue.
I decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth wide open since breathing was an issue.
This issue is being released early online to coincide with the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions.
If the company has entrusted loans, it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment.
Any attempt to address global trade imbalances, let alone US popular discontent with the issue, must start there.
要解决全球贸易失衡问题, 必须从这里着手。
The publication become fortnightly,instead of weekly,begin with the first issue in may,19,bearing the date,may 13,19.
To issue, timely in accordance with the Project Master Schedule, the purchasing requisition and technical requirements.
Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.
Fixed an issue with pasting a large amount of text into an eve mail or chat window, text will now be pasted and if too long truncated.
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单词 issue with 释义



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