单词 information use 例句大全,用单词information use造句:

In short, use cases contain the information from which you can start writing your user documentation.
Use the bureau data to review the financial status of claimant vs. information provided on tax return.
The recommended way to modify this information is to use the enterprise library configuration console.
Education and literacy also increase the demand for the use and application of information technology.
Sixteen agencies of the U. S. intelligence community have access to it and use it to share information.
Please refer to the course information or your admission letter for the specific facilities you can use.
that we kind of use the electronics of the Internet, if you will, to be together, to consume information.
与他人一起使用信息,虚拟世界将成为 你最常用的方式
These methods make use of the information of the matrix of conjugate cyclic correlation is Hankel matrix.
Lifelong learning and the use of new information technologies have become important additional challenges.
Shall not make use of or disclose such information without prior written consent given by the other Party.
This fact sheet will give you some information to enable you to make decisions regarding your use of herbs.
The present paper review the use of prosodic information in disambiguating syntactic structure in recent years.
The Commission appeals to the Government of Colombia not to use information that has not been adequately verified.
Unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.
This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.
The information on this web page is for private use only. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
This message may contain privileged or confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.
此通知可能包括特别或机密资料, 仅适用于上述收件人。
Use of information technologies and means to the detriment of basic human rights and freedoms in the field of information
To determine the node number of the node you want to use, either read the node information from the error log, or from the
The value of Integrated Use Case Management is that it seamlessly integrates uses cases with your requirements information.
Develop and support institutional capabilities for wide dissemination and use of disaster reduction information and experience.
Information on the procedures employed to ensure optimum and effective use of resources was provided in section III of the report.
But I am an optimist. I believe we are going to live in a world abundant with information and with the tools needed to use it wisely.
In order to protect your rights as a consumer, before you use a migration agent please go to the following links for more information.
Packages contain illustrated, easy-to-understand information on the condition or illness, how to use the test and when to seek medical attention.
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单词 information use 释义



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