单词 infested 例句大全,用单词infested造句:

This time theyve descended on my picnic and infested my lemon meringue pie!
这一次它们突袭了我得野餐, 大肆出没我得柠檬馅饼!
He found a terran outpost that had been infested by unknown alien organisms.
This time they've descended on my picnic and infested my lemon meringue pie!
Related to or infested with of transmitting parasitic worms especially filaria.
大批滋生寄生虫尤其是丝虫, 或与之有关。
Efficacy of pet cervical collar against fleas on naturally infested dogs and cats
灭蚤项圈对犬, 猫蚤的临床试验
After examination, these pigs are all infested with cysticercus, and can no longer be sold.
经过检验这些都是米猪, 不能继续出售了。
Emergence period of Monochamus alternatus and its distribution regularity on infested pines
After examination, these pigs are all infested with cysticercus , and can no longer be sold.
The basic components of the composition are opuntia milpa alta, functional red infested rice and silymarin.
A new selective medium to be used to simply and quick isolate Verticillium dahliae in cotton from naturally infested soil was introduced.
Relationship between the gall density of erythrina gall wasp and swelling degree of infested parts of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis
McCourts memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin.
退伍后, 他由军方资助进入纽约大学读书。

单词 infested 释义

  • 单词释义:为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配)  [更多..]



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