单词 information technology 例句大全,用单词information technology造句:

Furthermore, information technology exhibitions and conferences were held annually in the United Arab Emirates.
Information literacy includes three dimensions cultural literacy, information awareness, information technology.
The Primitive Factors and Qualitative Change on Integrating Information Technology into the Curriculum in Chinese
In addition to accounting functions, I supervised the Head of Information Technology and the Divisional Secretary.
For example, stock levels were not set for the transport and communications and information technology warehouses.
例如, 没有为运输及通信和信息技术库房确定库存标准。
We've had 16 percent growth in constant dollars in every form of information technology for the last half century.
这半个世纪里,每样科技的价值 都增长了百分之18。
The Cognitive Technology Society concerns the impact on human cognition of developments in information technology.
In the Communications and Information Technology Section, it is proposed to create4 additional Field Service posts.
An appendix to this report sets out in more detail the Commission's information technology system and capabilities.
Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Systems management. Attributes for representing relationships.
CHEN Can the information technology driving Americas emerging military capabilities change classic deterrence theory
陈有人认为, 技术发展的速度已经超过军事理论的发展。
Exploration on Application of Information Technology to Increasing Transport Capacity of Nanxiang Classification Yard
There is an insignificant positive correlation between information technology application and customers'satisfaction.
The newly appointed Chief Information Officer is currently preparing a comprehensive information technology strategy.
There is an insignificant positive correlation between information technology application and customers' satisfaction.
They must also try hard to manipulate the information technology and become designers of multi media courseware of RTVU.
On Foreign language Teachers'Information Literacy in Realizing the Integration of Information Technology with Curriculum
Chen Qiufa was appointed Deputy Secretary of CPC Party Leadership Group of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
Management of information technology to speed up computer networks, computer graphic design proofing series transformation.
管理上加快计算机网络信息化, 电脑图案设计打样系列改造。
Educational information technology training for teachers has the advantage difficult to compare with training outside school.
The information technology service has improved the infrastructure and contributed to the creation of new informational materials.
The Department of Field Support will have responsibility for communications and information technology in United Nations peace operations.
Juzar Motiwalla, director of the oldest and most prestigious center krdl sees Singapore as a future global power in information technology.
INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING Research on Emphasis of Information Technology in the Mechanized Infantry Division
Have in Mind the Characteristics of the War Based on the Full Application of Information Technology and Train Highly Competent Commanding Personnel
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单词 information technology 释义



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