单词 insider trading 例句大全,用单词insider trading造句:

This is comparable to insider trading in business.
Anthony Evans proposes real laissezfaire Legalise insider trading.
这一主张即使不是大逆不道, 也算石破天惊了。
Fighting insider trading has become the single most important task we have.
There is also evidence of insider trading related to this earthquake attack.
The fourth part has study on the legislation and statement of insider trading in China.
Four more people have been arrested as part of a federal investigation into insider trading.
Illegal insider trading transaction is usually prohibited to prevent potential adverse effect.
为避免不良后果, 通常禁止进行非法内幕交易。
The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
A spokeswoman for the couple said the Securities and Exchange Commission never accused Mrs.Ansari of insider trading.
这对夫妇的女发言人说, 证管会从未指控安沙利内线交易。
If a staff member of the securities regulatory authority engages in insider trading, he shall be given a heavier punishment.
证券监督管理机构工作人员进行内幕交易得, 从重处罚。
topical studies including corporate governance, AIMR Soft Dollar Standards, fiduciary duty, insider trading, personal investing
Huang Guangyu, former chairman of electronics retailer giant Gome, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Tuesday for illegal business dealings, insider trading and corporate bribery, Xinhua reported.
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单词 insider trading 释义

  • 单词释义:内幕交易;内部人员的交易  [更多..]



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