单词 In Port 例句大全,用单词In Port造句:

The Study on the Evaluation Method of the Risk Degree of the Navigation Environment in Port.
Wide and close connections in commodity inspection, port authority and transportation agents.
New Computation Method of Suspension Chain and Stability Analysis of Single Anchorage in Port
Loading Port Shall be defined in the Delivery Schedule Appendix 3, or as designated by Seller.
Influence of Construction of Xiangshan Port Bridge on Tidal Current Characteristics in the Basin
Benefit from Siltation Reduction due to Extension of North and South Breakwaters in Tianjin Port
Discussion on Harbour Basin Development Direction in the General Layout Planning of Tianjin Port.
Data mining in association rule between maximum strength and trolley location of large port machine
Talking about the Collision Avoiding with the Engineering Barge in the Water Basin of Tianjin Port.
Port throughout the year, but the most busy in the southwest monsoon, imports to pass through beach.
Numerical studies and statistic analyses of correlation distances of soil properties in Tianjin Port.
Study on the Rapid Improvement Techniques of Original Alkali Saline Soil of the Port City in Bohai Bay
Real Cause of Adjustable Port Anomaly Swing at Turbine Driven Pump of No.4 Unit in Zhangjiakou Power Plant
A review of the design proposals for the breakwater in the Northern Harbour Basin in Xingang Port, Tianjin
The large military port will be built in the four northern islands in the single crown Etorofu Island Bay.
Construction of Dolphin Blocks in Reconstruction of No.1 Breasting Dolphin in Nanjiang Area of Tianjin Port
Apart from normal Customs and Port Hearlth formalitiesnothing stands in the inbound guest and tropical holiday.
除基本入关手续外, 入境游客不需要在海关过多停留。
It is anticipated that approximately300 containers will be handled through the port of Beirut in the coming months.
Experimental research on high performance light aggregate concrete for maintenance and overhaul of wharf in navy port
Analysis on Geological Conditions of Pile Footing Construction of Majishan Port Ship Unload Berth in Baoshan Steel Works
They wanted to land in the Port of Los Angeles, because it is one of the premier US gateways for international trade and commerce.
Ms. Xu Manke Lives in Amoy, a port city in Southeast China, where sea wind of subtropics brings lucidity and flamboyance to nature.
It holds all the basic information you need addresses, phone numbers and appointments and it can swap the data with a PC or a PalmPilot via its built-in infrared port.
Chende, also known as A Pearl OutsideShanghaiguan Port, is located in south to Liaoningand Inner Mongolia and north on Beijing and Tianjin. It is 225km awayfrom Beijing.
However, the shipping administration authority at the port of construction shall be the competent authority in charge of the registration of mortgage of the ship during construction.
但建造中船舶之抵押权登记, 以建造地航政机关为主管机关。
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