单词 in part 例句大全,用单词in part造句:

This was attributed, in part, to the conscription campaign carried out by the Eritrean Government.
In the same year, took part in Golden Age's elegance Art Exhibition held by Beijing Fine Art Academy.
In these species the lesions caused by lice and mite infestation may, in part, be allergic in nature.
这些动物在虱和螨的侵袭下引起的病变, 部分是过敏性质的。
In part, this was an attempt to prevent unions between young adults whose parents opposed their match.
目的之一, 是防止那些年轻成年人, 不顾父母反对而结合成亲。
An investigation of lesions in the distal part of the acoustic nerve in patients with multiple sclerosis
The Document may not be reproduced in full or in part except with the written approval from CMA Testing.
The aluminum may be replaced at least in part with finely particled zinc, zirconium, boron, or magnesium.
In part 2 the author introduces and comments the theories of causation in tort law in the AngloSaxon Law.
The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No. 4 lower hold fore part. Maybe its omitted in the plan.
Guliya Ice Core Accumulation and Dry and Wet Change in South Part of South Xinjiang Basis in the Past 2000 Years
But their work is diminished by internal conflicts and bureaucratic lethargy, bred in part by outsized salaries.
Part of the gentleman's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage in great Britain.
The nation is awash in cash, in part the domestic counterpart of its trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves.
这个国家满是钱, 还有万亿美元外汇储备。
Whoever takes a lead in organizing an attempt to escape from a prison or whoever takes an active part in the attempt
And references in this part to a programme, in the context of broadcasting, are to any item included in a broadcast.
The actual problems of labor union in protecting emigrant workersrights and interests are analyzed in the third part.
In the fourth part, the author analyses the pattern of suspension and quantity of crime pattern in unilateral accessory crime.
And the coffeehouse played such a big role in the birth of the Enlightenment, in part, because of what people were drinking there.
重要的 作用。究其原因,部分是因为人在那里喝的东西。
Both Gucci and LVMH have been in fashion with investors, in part because Asia's recovery is viewed as a boon for sellers of swank.
But they were defeated at least in part by a pathologist who carried off his brain in hopes of learning the secrets of his genius.
The recent introduction of seat belt legislation in the UK was at least in part due to persistent lobbying by the medical profession.
On the Aesthetic Standards of Chinese Westerners in the Northern Dynasty and the Revert of Aesthetic Interest in the Early Part of Tang Dynasty
As the world in seeing now in what the floods are doing to the people of Mozambique and part of South Africa, it means a vulnerability to environmental disaster.
He took part, together with Russian and Dutch artists, in the Signal group shows, but his works were not accepted at the 1918 exhibition of French painters in The Hague.
The strength of yarns is due, in part, to the amount of twist that has been imparted. Strong yarns require considerable twist. However, beyond an optimum point additional twist will cause yarns to kink and finally to lose strength.
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单词 in part 释义

  • 单词释义:在某种程度上,部分地;一半  [更多..]



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