单词 injection head 例句大全,用单词injection head造句:

Injection Mould Design of Pressure Head
How to reduce generation of burnt head in small dose injection
Study on Systematic Reliability of High Pressure Water Injection Pump Head
The injection mould design of pressure head is introduced, and the points of design also elaborated.
对押头注塑模设计的实例介绍, 详细阐述了其中的设计要点。
Intermediary Decompression Combined with Local Injection Treat The Aseptic Necrosis of The Femoral Head
Application of Injection Grouting Technique in Cavity and Sinking Treatment of Transition Slab at Bridge Head
灌浆技术处治桥头搭板脱空, 沉陷应用探讨
Analysis of Heat Removal and Boron Precipitation Prevention Using Low Head Injection System Following Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident
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