单词 in time 例句大全,用单词in time造句:

I will give you a hand just in time and accompany you as you go through your ordeal.
Incorrect curing methods are adopted. Curing with water spreading not handled in time.
养护方法不正确, 洒水养生不及时。
You'll also be able to go back in time to watch all of the aforementioned data evolve.
Notifying in time to Internal Security and assistant in case of any theft by customer.
一旦发现有顾客行窃, 应及时通报内保和收银助理。
Analysis Method of Capsizing Probability in Time Domain for Ships in Random Beam Waves
A Preliminary Study on Innovations of Accounting Statement in Time of Knowledge Economy
Achieve cost down target of product materials, and guarantee suppliers to deliver in time.
完成公司产品的原材料降本目标, 并确保供应商能按时供货。
In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty, in time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.
旺时朋友多, 落魄无一个。
The foregoing shall be abided by,where any problems occur, ask forinstruction in time please.
This ceasefire is unlimited in time, as was the original proposal that we accepted on July15.
In time, the gardener in Neuchatel gets tired of his low wages, becomesa barrister in Lucerne.
May he hear your prayers and be reconciled with you, and not abandon you in time of misfortune.
愿他俯允你们的祈祷, 怜恤你们, 在患难中不离弃你们!
In familiar and the wearing in time, enterprise's assistance to the new staff is very important.
在熟悉和磨合时期, 企业的协助对新员工是非常重要的。
Patients will recover useful visual acuity after mentioned complications treated in time properly.
It's too cold here in winter, one must add anti-freezing agent to the engine cooling water in time.
At the same time, retaining supervisors, ascertaining incognito, and supervising in time are needed.
In time, having a strong currency may once again come to be seen as an advantage, not a handicap.
The situation for the front troops is critical; they need backup troops to come to their aid in time.
In order to actively help themselves, the enterprises changed the business strategy and cut costs in time.
Can recover to a specific point in time, assuming that your backups are complete up to that point in time.
Materials that are not for the project use, empty oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be recycled in time.
Where issuers hire other recommendation agencies, they shall report to the bourse in time and make an announcement.
But also, the book was launched in time for me to be accused of constructing the blueprint for a foiled coup attempt.
The credit in time to which the appellant was entitled was therefore to be calculated from the day of his arrest in Germany.
因此, 上诉人应享有的扣减时间从他在德国被捕之日算起。
But they're always static. And when you actually bring it forward in time and start animating it, it's actually kind of amazing, you know.
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单词 in time 释义

  • 单词释义:迟早; 最后;及时; 经过一段时间之后  [更多..]



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