单词 interspersed 例句大全,用单词interspersed造句:

It is characterized by a normal ovulatory cycle interspersed with anovulatory cycles.
Such examinations can be interspersed into the secondary survey at appropriate times.
The visual monotony of real jungles is broken by interspersed species from other ecosystems.
真正的视觉单调的丛林, 点缀了来自其他生态系统物种。
On Aesthetics Features of the Descriptive Prose Interspersed with Verse of Ancient, Teasing and Civil
On the palate, the aroma has intense berry, plum and a rich oak note interspersed with a touch of cinnamon.
入口有强烈的浆果, 洋李和丰厚的橡木味和肉桂香味。
The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of doubleeave octagonal pavilions symbolizing each of the four seasons.
the darker colors being sometimes interspersed with lighter or badgercolored hair, and sometimes flecked with white.
The course of these entities is typified by periods of symptomatic exacerbation interspersed with clinical remissions.
这些实体的过程, 是由典型的症状发作期临床减免点缀。
His travel sketch was written as a narrative interspersed with comments. In it he gave voice to many of his personal views.
they were pedestrian, daytoday accounts of things seen and people met, interspersed with commonplace information and some rather callow comments.
A Simple Analysis of How the Contradiction Between Satire and Persuation in the Form of Great Descriptive Prose Interspersed With Verse Came Into Being in the Han Dynasty

单词 interspersed 释义

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