单词 keep by 例句大全,用单词keep by造句:

I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.
Accomplish abide by contract keep good faith, ensure finish manufacturing jobschedule on time.
完成重协议守信义, 保证按期按时结束岀产项目。
The Deputy Manager shall keep record of such complaints and the redressal actions by the branch.
If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
And by the way, all those precautions to keep the Norden bombsight out of the hands of the Nazis?
那些为了不让 纳粹获得诺顿瞄准器的防范措施又如何呢?
This is augmented by the firm desire of the overwhelming majority of Singaporeans to keep it that way.
此外, 国人都强烈的希望保持现有的情况。
This will help keep it from being pinched by the rim, tire bead, or tire lever, when you finish it off.
By dint of slaving incessantly from morning till night she managed to keep her home fairly comfortable.
她一天忙到晚, 把家里弄得相当舒服。
Rules and regulations worked out by discipline inspection Bodies concerning how to keep clean and honest
keep the public sector remaining dominant and allow diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side
以公有制为主体, 多种经济成分共同发展
Mexico indicated that it did not keep a record of incidental catch of seabirds caught by its fishing fleets.
Elastic support stockings keep blood flowing by gently squeezing the legs and moving blood back to the heart.
Year in and year out, coir raincoat and bamboo hat keep searching by raising their heads and looking far ahead.
Divers must breathe compressed air to keep from being crushed by the weight, or pressure, of the surrounding water.
Keep good relationship to customers, meet and communicate with customers proposed by his subordinates upon necessity.
与客户保持良好关系, 并和客户及时沟通。
He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance.
能愚士卒之耳目, 使之无知。
Reason with someone to be tough when hit by something sad, to be brave, to keep up the good work, and to strive for success.
It is difficult to keep a good connection between stencil frames when these vertical stripes are printed by screen printing.
A credit union shall keep accounts, balance sheets, forms, records and books in such form as may be approved by the registrar.
We need to discard the dross and keep the essential parts of a book, and to draw inferences by analogy when we are reading it.
我们阅读文章要去芜存菁, 举一反三。
According to Coffey, people should strive throughout life to keep their brains alert by exposing themselves to new experiences.
When you pass the grade of reckoning by abacus, you may keep the psychology of Wallenda and it is in favor of exerting your level.
珠算通级时保持瓦伦达心态, 有利于水平得发挥。
When he is taken off to the police station for questioning by the fascists once again, he makes funny faces at his son to keep him amused.
By 2003, NASA and design group Aero-Vironment think they will have a way to keep a lightweight, unmanned solar-powered plane in the air for six months.
These features give his characters a perpetually dazed expression, as if they 've been beaten goofy by life's inequities and iniquities. Simply to keep going is an act of heroism.
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单词 keep by 释义

  • 单词释义:使保持在…旁边;靠近  [更多..]



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