单词 keep of 例句大全,用单词keep of造句:

We keep the competitive price because of our formal administration and reasonable cost calculation.
Atomic clocks rely on regular oscillations of caesium atoms to keep time and are extremely accurate.
The Experience of 78 Cases Keep Treatment in Acute Injury Hematoma of Submit Tentorium of Cerebellum
It keep the same rate of muscle with common wild boar, and moreover, its more adaptable and wildness.
它保持了瘦肉率高, 适应性强的优点和野味特色。
I would advise you to keep out of the way when the teacher is rousting out the bad boys in the class.
我要忠告你, 当老师训斥班上调皮学生的时候, 你要避开一点。
Use thumb to keep selfs hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
Keep The Connection Of Distribution According To Work With Distribution According To Productive Factor
After the some time, newspaper advertisement should innovate to some extent, keep appeal of brand its.
一段时间后, 报纸广告应该有所创新, 保持其品牌的吸引力。
Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children.
如果发生任何不良反应, 请停止使用并咨询您的医生。
Keep the passageway clear of unnecessary items to allow enough space for turning and use of walking aid.
通道须保持畅通, 让患者有足够空间转身或使用助行器。
The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild.
It is that strong interest of life in a child that keep his life glisten compared to the life of an adult.
正因孩子对生命还有浓厚的兴趣, 所以他们的人生异常闪亮。
Of outmost importance are the provisions concerning the obligation to keep accounts, which should be audited.
Contract and eject the air of the insole , accelerate the air currency , keep the shoes clean and comfortable.
压缩排出鞋垫气体, 加速空气流通, 保持鞋子清爽。
Gastric bowel especially alvine antrum is one of important ways that these material keep clear of outside kidney.
And that pattern, the architecture of that pattern on its skin denticles keep bacteria from being able to land and adhere.
而其结构 富含锯齿状物 让细菌无处无处着生
Reservoirs should keep adequate storage capacity for flood control according to the requirements of flood control planning.
In the early days of mobile phones, the advertising slogan"It doesn't cost much to keep in touch" was a bit of a joke.
To stablish this among them, that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly
嘱咐他们每年守亚达月十四, 十五两日。
When you pass the grade of reckoning by abacus, you may keep the psychology of Wallenda and it is in favor of exerting your level.
珠算通级时保持瓦伦达心态, 有利于水平得发挥。
Take just the right amount of in the disguise cotton or center of palm of hand, lightly massage to keep go to complete absorption.
Now it's clear that grape juice seems to offset damaging effects of LDL cholestrol and keep blood vessels elastic in adults who drink about 12 oz. a day.
Therefore one should pay attention to aseptic manipulation in nur sing care of patients accepted indwelling urinary catheter and keep drai nage tub e unblocked.
She and her mother are working to keep Dan's memory alive, having published a collection of his journals, curated an exhibition of his works and developed a feature film based on his life.
On the one hand, he is exactly the sort of saint Pope John Paul approves of: a person imbued with charisma who has achieved enough remarkable feats to keep the faithful talking for a very long time.
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单词 keep of 释义

  • 单词释义:使处于某种状态  [更多..]



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