单词 mailed 例句大全,用单词mailed造句:

Today was the joyful day, the editorial department has mailed in the type newspaper.
今天是快乐的日子, 编辑部邮来了样报。
Then, I mailed out the letter from the post office which located in Dragon City Mall.
I decided to take the plunge, but waited another fortnight before I mailed the letter.
我决定冒险一试, 但我又等了两个星期才把信发出去。
In order to acquaint you with our products, we air mailed you two samples this morning.
It'll be mailed to you within two weeks, but you can borrow books on the temporary card.
两周内会寄给您, 但您可以用临时借书证借书。
In order to acquaint you with our products, we air mailed you two samples thellos morning.
Urduuk clenched his mailed fist and shot it forward, crushing into the jaw of his subordinate.
The Government has already mailed some 18 million households with details of the public offer.
If a tax return is mailed, the date on the postmark shall be regarded as the actual date of lodgement.
The government declared that it would use the mailed fist if its opponents continued to cause trouble.
I just finished an article about my impressions of the play and have mailed it to the periodical office.
A dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books.
Appeals or other documents that have been mailed before the expiration of the time period shall not be regarded as overdue.
A time period shall not include travelling time. A litigation document that is mailed before the deadline shall not be regarded as overdue.
A time period shall not include travelling time. a litigation document that is mailed before the deadline shall not be regarded as overdue.
期间不包括在途时间, 诉讼文书在期满前交邮的, 不算过期。

单词 mailed 释义

  • 单词释义:披着锁子甲的,装甲的,有锁子甲状鳞的  [更多..]



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