单词 noodles 例句大全,用单词noodles造句:

He was afraid that he would be drained of his blessings if others ate his noodles.
Boiled noodles softer, beneficial intestinal absorption of water to help digestion.
煮后的面条更柔软, 有利于肠道吸收水分, 帮助消化。
Douzhir is actually what's left over for making green bean amylum or glass noodles.
The clarity of the beef broth is the way to check if the beef noodles are authentic.
The smooth brick noodles can let sumo hand the skidding pass the next brick noodles.
Hele buckwheat noodles are buckwheat noodles to suppress a long strip of pasta round.
Today black rice is mainly used in Asia for food decoration, noodles, sushi and desserts.
如今在亚洲黑米主要用于食品装饰, 面条, 寿司及甜品。
I really enjoy eating potatoes stewed with noodles made from bean or sweat potato starch.
Mechanism of Improving Eating Quality of Rice Noodles by Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation
Fried beef River is one of Guangdong dishes to bean sprouts rice noodles, beef fried into.
These Chinese Peoples Volunteers ate a mouthful of fried noodles , with a mouthful of snow.
这些志愿军战士吃一口炒面, 就一口雪。
Singapore Style Fried Noodles Fried Noodles with Assorted Seafood, Sliced Pork and Vegetable.
炒面配各式海鲜, 肉丝和蔬菜。
Optimization of processing conditions of buckwheat noodles by adding wheat bran dietary fibers
The over thousand bean or sweet potato starch noodles encircle all round in this shop entrance.
For the mouthfeel of noodles, people from the north and south have absolutely different requirements.
Of wail aloud, younger brother thinner small than the benefits body fore the noodles is chased by him.
的呼号, 弟弟比利的瘦小身子在前面被他追赶。
The brick noodles of the space pattern's can change surroundings brick noodles is a contrary appearance.
Researches of Some Factors to Affect Rehadration Character of Instant Rice Noodles and Its Common Problems
He said that under friends influence, he has also become7 asterism faithful bean or sweet potato starch noodles.
Medium of dark at the time that noodles contract, the dark noodles in the reality has already had already extend.
And for the case of instant noodles, the wax coating in the noodles itself is preventing the noodles from sticking together.
He has a unique skill of making hand-pulled noodles. The noodles can be pulled to a length of ten meters and still don't break.
Influence of the Additive for making Lanzhou Hand Pulled Noodles upon Rheology Characteristic of Different Gluten Strength Flours
The magic dint of the evil stone in the mind noodles is crazily sucked away, quite quick leaves dust to float to spread atmosphere.
魔石心里面的魔幻力被疯狂吸走, 很快只剩下粉尘飘散空中。
The company profession is engaged in every variety color to knit, stamptax, intertexture, embroider flower etc. the textile product noodles anticipate of development.

单词 noodles 释义

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