单词 nose around 例句大全,用单词nose around造句:

His wife leads him around by the nose.
Never blow your nose, burp, belch at and around the table.
Use your finger tips around the eyes and nose. Dub delicately.
Blood poured from hulkmans nose, and he stared around in absolute fury.
If you don't have a mask, wrap a piece of cloth around your nose and mouth.
Look at this picture,fat face,big nose hobbles around in a pair of glasses.
I am tall, I have around face, these are big eyes mouth small nose my face.
Look at this picture, fat face, big nose hobbles around in a pair of glasses.
看这图画, 胖胖的脸, 大大的鼻子上架着一副眼镜。
Then when he turned around his elbow smacked into my nose causing it to break.
Then, wear a scarf, neck gaiter, or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.
She walked around the room with her nose in the air, pretending I didn't exist.
她目中无人地在屋子里走了一圈, 好像我根本不存在。
They often erupt around the lips and sometimes under the nose or around the chin.
他们经常大量产生在嘴唇附近, 有时在鼻子下或下巴附近。
After eating their food, you still have to poke your nose around and try to pry into their secrets.
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